Tuesday, June 24

Ovi today

Mugabe must go by Thanos Kalamidas
Zimbabwe's opposition leader, Morgan Tsvangirai announced that his party is pulling out from the elections stating that this election will not be fair and free, yet he automatically hands victory to Mugabe!

Dhaka, Bangladesh: Don't sit here or you could be beaten by Linda Lane
I stopped a fight between 15 men at 3am in Dhaka Airport, over one man wanting to sit in the seats pictured. These were the only comfortable seats left in the room where one could conceivably have a nap.

Bush Fait Ses Adieux a l'Europe by Europe & Us
Ce fut davantage une visite protocolaire qu’une tournée d’adieux chargée en émotions. A cinq mois des élections présidentielles américaines...

Lift Spirits #06 by Thanos K & Asa B
Lift doors slide open, you enter, press the button and then face that awkward proximity to a stranger... perhaps this will lift your spirit./too

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