Monday, June 23

Tsvangirai Seeks Refuge in Dutch Embassy

Zimbabwe's opposition presidential candidate Morgan Tsvangirai was taking refuge at the Dutch Embassy in Harare this Monday. Tsvangirai had affirmed on Sunday that a "free and fair election was impossible".

Dutch authorities in the Netherlands announced that Tsvangirai had been asked by members of his own party, the MDC, if the Dutch Embassy could provide him with protection and security for now. "We, of course, gave him the opportunity to hide" the Dutch spokesman said.

The MDC denounced a raid of the police on its offices during which 60 people were arrested, including women and children, and taken to be "questioned". "The government will act on anyone, anywhere who is thought to be contravening the laws of the country," a spokesman of Mugabe declared, in order to justify such action, adding that the people taken will be questioned by the police on their claims of being... victims of political violence!!

Goodness... any bigger contradiction? I don't know why, but they don't seem the right people to "question" them on THAT!!!

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