Thursday, February 21

Cold war is back: US missile hits 'toxic satellite'

The US has successfully struck a disabled spy satellite with a missile fired from a warship in waters west of Hawaii, military officials say.

Military operatives had only a 10-second window to hit the satellite - USA 193 - which lost control shortly after it was launched in December 2006. Officials were worried its hydrazine fuel could do harm, but it is not yet known if the fuel tank was destroyed.

A ‘toxic’ satellite? That’s pushing things a bit isn’t it? Why don’t they call it a spy satellite? But the best of all comes from the Chinese and Russian reaction, they suspect that US is testing a new space weapon!!! Wow!!! No comment about the toxic of the satellite, no word about the satellite’s orbit, just that the Americans are testing a new weapon which makes more suspicious the role of that thing.

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