Sunday, October 3

Ovi magazine; Sunday October 3, 2021


The articles, the opinions, the stories and the cartoons Ovi magazine covers for Sunday October 3rd 2021

Dark House” #ShortStory #Fiction by Abigail George

Two bodies inherit the orbit of darkness. Enter the bedroom and it is all hurried movements in the dark first.

She takes off her clothes. He takes off his clothes. There’s a history there that is centuries in the making. He laughs, as he takes hold of her in his arms and she smiles. His laughter strikes her like the origin of organic root, the nature of earth, peat, clay, peasantry, cold stone, and hard, volcanic rock. Jan takes a bath. He smokes. I wash his back. He passes the cigarette to me and I take a long drag of the smoke into my lungs. There’s that same laugh. There’s that same smile. Who knows where time begins and when time ends in this asphalt jungle scenario. And so, the story begins. This is where the middle of her story begins. My mother just couldn’t help it. Couldn’t help not loving me, I suppose. She’s a hard woman. Tough but she’s still beautiful and elegant. My sister is mental. She has bipolar. Jan smokes. He has nothing but time.

For more HERE!

“Iktushiwi” #poem & #painting by Virginia Maria Romero

”  Collectively
we are creating a living story ….
no beginning
              no end

For more HERE!

Murderous Fantasies: The US Intelligence Effort Against #Assange by Dr. Binoy Kampmark


“If there was any reason to halt a farcical train of legal proceedings, then the case against Julian Assange would have to be the standard bearing example. Since last year, the efforts by the US government to pursue his extradition to the vicious purgatory of American justice has seen more than a fair share of obscene revelations. While prosecutors for the US insist that the publisher must find himself in freedom land for having, incongruously, violated provisions under the Espionage Act of 1917, the broader political elements to this are impossible to shake.”

For more HERE!

Sceptic feathers 21#18 #cartoon by Thanos Kalamidas

For more Sceptic feathers HERE!

For more Ovi Cartoons, HERE!

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