Tuesday, January 16

Fire, Sarkozy, Red Cross & The Famine

Crying fire by Thanos Kalamidas
There is no way to win an argument when the other side starts with the idea that you just oppose everything they say without suggesting anything. In this case either your opponent has never heard your argument or never cared to hear. (Read more)

Sarkozy, Royal et (Pauvres de) nous by Europe & Us
229.203 votants. 98,1% de voix recueillies en sa faveur. Comme l'ecrit Paul Quinio, journaliste a Liberation, Nicolas Sarkozy, au moins au sein du parti qu'il dirige (l'UMP), est bien Monsieur 100%, ou presque. (Read more)

The world's humanitarian organization by The Ovi Team
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is the world's largest humanitarian organization, providing assistance without discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions. (Read more)

The Famine: Chapter 1 by Bohdan Yuri
Working for the good of the State had become an extension of the Communist credo. Only, the twisted principle had imposed a judgment that whatever was grown on the land also became, legally, the property of that State. Why stop there they reasoned. (Read more)

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