Sunday, January 14

Fairtrade, Somalia, the lake & School

FAIRTRADE - is it fair? by Asa Butcher
Fairtrade ensures that disadvantaged manufacturers receive a fair price for their product. The decision to start marketing these products in Finland has taken too long, but the campaign feels as though supermarkets are promoting a new high-end lifestyle. (Read more)

Somalia offensive by Amin George Forji
The crisis in Somalia has now taken a new face, with the US military joining to track down suspected al Qaeda operatives. The US military launched military strikes on two villages in the south of the country. (Read more)

"the lake" by Bohdan Yuri
"A poet can survive everything but a misprint." - Oscar Wilde (Read more)

Dumbing down by Jan Sand
School are failing to teach basic logical analysis, how to deal with social situations, how the financial system works and the tricks of advertising, which means that a large number of kids in the USA are obvious red meat for scoundrels. (Read more)

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