Sunday, November 19

Enemies, Maybe, gay marriage, Finns & VIVA!

Not 'if' but 'where' by Thanos Kalamidas
Moshe Dyan said, "If you want to make peace, you don't talk to your friends. You talk to your enemies." Does that apply to Hafiz Asad and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad? (Read more)

"Maybe" by Christopher Wilkinson
"Poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese." - G.K. Chesterton (Read more)

The Rainbow Nation by Amin George Forji
South Africa's parliament has voted to legalise same-sex weddings - the first African country to approve such unions... (Read more)

Nainen, joka hukkuu koristekrääsään by Susanna Ahonen
Porilaisen tosinaisen on vaikea ymmärtää, miksi vierailulle mennessään pitää isäntäväelle viedä tuliaiskrääsää. Kestän sen, jos meille annetaan rahaa tai kukkasia, mutta lasten muovilelut ja kaikenlainen lasiroina pitäisi kieltää lailla... (Read more)

The 'other' World Cup by Amin George Forji
The VIVA World Cup is a football tournament composed of nations unaffiliated to FIFA and states not recognized as countries in their own right. Four teams are participating in the inaugural tournament kicking off this weekend... (Read more)

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