Monday, November 20

Children's Day, Rafsanjani, civil & veils

Child soldiers by Thanos Kalamidas
The UN have alleged that both sides in Sri Lanka use children as soldiers in their ongoing conflict. What has happened to our civilization that this can happen? (Read more)

Pocket money by Asa Butcher
Since 1954, the United Nations and UNESCO have observed November 20th as Universal Children's Day; a day of worldwide fraternity and understanding between children... (Read more)

Wanted: Former Iranian president by Amin George Forji
Indivuals who were once untouchable are now being called to face justice for past crimes, such as former Iranian President Hashemi Rafsanjani, who is accused of ordering the AMIA Bombing in Buenos Aires in 1994... (Read more)

Civilized by Jan Sand
Webster’s Dictionary has has ten definitions for the word 'civil', yet only two define the relationship of the individual to society in general. Jan Sand explores... (Read more)

Holland's grand unveiling by Amin George Forji
Dutch Muslims have criticised a government proposal to ban women from wearing the burqa or veils which cover the face in public places... (Read more)

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