Saturday, September 23

I want to fly...

In the last Ovi magazine, 23rd of September Jan Sand expresses his love and will to fly in a brilliant article. That’s something I loved to do since I was a kid and it has been my all time dream. Just like Mr. Sand says in his article: The dreams of centuries ranging from the old tale of Daedalus and Icarus through the efforts of DaVinci, Cayley, Stringfellow, Lilienthal and finally, the Wright Brothers is routinely realized today as thousands of huge gleaming metal monsters, weighing tons, float into the sky as effortlessly (but with a bit more noise) as soap bubbles…

To end his article with: I would love to make my transatlantic flight in a plane constructed of transparent plastic so I would be sitting on air and zooming through thunderheads while the loony pilot barrel rolled and tailspinned and looped de looped to the sound of screaming gagging passengers.. That surely would squelch Tinker Bell’s disdain.!!!

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