Tuesday, February 17

The Ovi magazine today!

Pillorying dignity by Thanos Kalamidas
A boy who still spends most of his time going to school and a girl still playing with dolls were sexually active; so active so the girl was taking the pill and because she forgot to take it a few days she became pregnant.

Cimino's career peak by Asa Butcher
If a film starring Robert De Niro, Christopher Walken and Meryl Streep was released today expectations would be astronomical, but 30 years ago two of the names were barely known.

Hillary urged to raise Rohingya issue with Asian leaders by Rohingya Human Rights
The secretary general of the Union of Rohingya Communities in Europe(URCE), Hamdan Mg Kyaw Naing urged the secretary of state of the United States of America, Hillary Clinton to raise the Rohingya Issue with Asian leaders during her week-long trip.

Polish report by Euro Reporter
Euro Reporter heads to Poland...

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