Sunday, February 15

The Ovi magazine today!

Ms Tantalus by Gush Shalom
Tantalus is punished by the Gods for reasons that are not entirely clear. He is hungry and thirsty, but the water in which he stands recedes when he bends down to drink from it and the fruit above his head continually evades his hand.
The Eye of the Storm by Leah Sellers
Though you find yourSelf assaulted by the powerful gales of the Storm. A Storm energized by people's Fears, Doubts, Concerns, and opposing Agendas - Seek the Eye of the Storm.

For the Moment: Lil Dog Bones by Patrick McWade
Patrick McWade shares one of his cartoon series with Ovi...

How bizarre by Thanos Kalamidas
Browsing the news daily we often miss these little bits of news at the bottom of the page. They are often funny, sometimes weird, and they give us a new perspective on life, so here's the first of a new column series: How Bizarre!

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