Tuesday, February 10

The Ovi magazine today

Mass murder in Australia by Thanos Kalamidas
The pictures of dead nature, humans and life from Australia that are circulating around the world this moment are horrifying and there are no words to describe the catastrophe on so many levels.

Almost like Backstreet Boys Live by Edna Nelson
The best thing about Helsinki City Theater's "Spring Awakening" was the first song done by the male cast. Most reviews about the performance are favorable but I'm of a different mind...

"A Ballad Upon a Wedding" by The Ovi Team
Today marks the 400th anniversary of poet Sir John Suckling's birth. Suckling was an English Cavalier poet whose best known poem may be "A Ballad Upon a Wedding" and it is reproduced here for you to enjoy.

For the Moment: No Smoking by Patrick McWade
Patrick McWade shares one of his cartoon series with Ovi...

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