Thursday, August 28

Ovi today

American National Security in the Age of Insecurity: 3/5 by Dr. Habib Siddiqui
Part three: Is It Possible to Find Common Grounds for Global Security with Dar al-Islam?

On the Truthfulness of Sports by Alexandra Pereira
This is not even a matter of taking sports too seriously, but giving them the dignity they should have instead, realising the role of fairness as an athlete scores another point or crosses the finishing line. Fair-play, you know…

Le Reve Brise d’Hillary Clinton by Europe & Us
En prenant pour colistier le sénateur du Delaware Joe Biden, Barack Obama a définitivement anéanti le rêve de ceux qui nourrissaient encore l’espoir d’une seconde place pour Hillary Clinton.

Earth Trail Gold — A Song by Christopher Wilkinson
At this time of juncture, a cusp in the stars, a chasm of hope and fear, I wrote Earth Trail Gold. It addresses the mothers of the world to take their power and reclaim the power they do hold…

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