Friday, June 27

Ovi today

Voices and legality by Thanos KalamidasThe Iranian government condemned the new EU sanctions against Teheran over the uranium enrichment program as illegal and this raises the question what is legal and what illegal.

Nice Beavers! by Clint Wayne
As a self-confessed 'Wildlife Freak', it was with great interest that I watched this week's BBC News report detailing the formation of a Beaver dam and the possible breeding success of two Beavers released under licence here in the UK.

Missile defence system, did Lithuanians betrayed Poland? by Newropeans-Magazine
Probably most of you heard about the anti-missile defence plan for Europe. In short anti-missile radar should be deployed in the Czech Republic, and an interceptor base in Poland.

Cyprus report by Euro Reporter
Euro Reporter finds itself on Cyprus today.

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