Thursday, June 12

Ovi today!

Let My Children Go: World Efforts to Eliminate the Worst Forms of Child Labour by Rene Wadlow
June 12 is World Day Against Child Labour. It marks the arrival of hundreds of children in Geneva, part of the Global March against Child Labour that had crossed 100 countries to present their plight to the International Labour Organization.

Japan's environmental worries by Thanos Kalamidas
I cannot understand it when countries like Japan seriously announce that they are going to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 60 to 80% but all that by the year 2050! This is two generations from now and I presume my grandkids will be adults.

An Ethiopian Strongman Meets The Minnnesota Anuak by Doug McGill
The burning question in the days before the tense meeting held here last Saturday was: How would the traumatized survivors of an accused mass killer greet the very person who had planned their doom?

Medien in der Friedensbildung und Konfliktvermeidung Bericht über Global Media Forum by Leila Dregger
Was können Medien und Journalisten tun, um Friedensbildung weltweit zu unterstützen? Die Deutsche Welle lud zu dieser Frage zu einem weiteren "Global Media Forum" ein, und fast 900 internationale Medienschaffende...

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