Friday, May 30

The Ovi magazine today

Don't let it be by Thanos Kalamidas
Kids live their darkest times, not that they ever lived any better times since they have been the victims all through human history, but what they have to deal with today in the beginning of the 21st century is nearly unbelievable.

Hillary's Bitter Pillary by Leah Sellers
For several months, the American Democratic Party has been prodding Mrs. Hillary Clinton in various forums and mediums "to quit the Race".

Lovemarks: Rebranding brands by Asa Butcher
Lovemarks is the name for Saatchi and Saatchi's new concept and, though it may initially inspire images of bite marks on necks, it is actually an exciting new marketing concept.

Austrian report by Euro Reporter
Euro Reporter heads into Central Europe in search of Austria...

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