Monday, May 26

The Ovi magazine today

Something Foreseeable, This Way Comes by Leah Sellers
Repeating the same behavior with the expectation of getting different results, different outcomes, is supposed to be the definitive definition of Insanity.

Philo of Alexandria on the Soul and Universal Truth by Emanuel L. Paparella
Philo of Alexandria, also known as Philo Judaeus or Philo Alexandrinus, is perhaps the most intriguing of the classical philosophers, for he is something of a maverick comparable in modern times to Emmanuel Levinas.

Nunes Gallery Helsinki: A Changing Picture by Alexandra Pereira
Until June 1st in Nunes Gallery, Satu Bethell is presenting the exhibition A Changing Picture, with painting and photography artworks, sponsored by Hämen taidetoimikunta and Hausjärven kunta.

Lift Spirits #04 by Thanos K & Asa B
Lift doors slide open, you enter, press the button and then face that awkward proximity to a stranger... perhaps this will lift your spirit.

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