Monday, March 24

The Ovi magazine today

The Medieval Monks as Preservers of Western Civilization by Emanuel L. Paparella

The term "Dark Ages" was once erroneously applied to the entire millennium separating late antiquity from the Italian Renaissance (500-1500 AD). Today scholars know better.

iBite by Thanos Kalamidas
iBite is a snappy selection of news from around the world accompanied by a cynical, albeit humourous, comment from Mr T. Kalamidas.

Italian report by Euro Reporter
Dons, chocolate and the Pope... it can only mean Euro Reporter has gone Italian.

ShowBizz #35 by Thanos K & Asa B
An arrogant rooster, a sycophant pig, a wiseass dog and an intelligent tortoise are just some of the stars of Thanos and Asa's Show Bizz.

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