Sunday, March 23

Easter's Ovi magazine

PROJECT "Future Without War" by Alexandra Pereira

Objective of this project - built up over 30 years - together with its worldwide cooperation partners: freeing the earth from violence and war.

The X euros generation by Thanos Kalamidas
Berlusconi, while on a televised press conference, was asked by a female student how she would survive all this financial insecurity that has spread across Italy in the last few years. The answer: Find a rich boy and marry him.

Whither democracy in America? Part 1 by Dr. Habib Siddiqui
Notwithstanding all the excitement generated by the coming election, one should not lose thought of the bigger reality that there is a deep disquieting deterioration of democratic powers in America today.

Evidence for the Resurrection by Jack Wellman
The great lineage of Jesus Christ is recorded at the beginning of Luke. The names of all these men are historical facts, even the census that Joseph and Mary had to travel to Bethlehem to take was registered in the king's census.

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