Monday, December 11

Smiles, Mika Moose & India

The miracle of a smile by Carlos Eyl
You will be amazed by the levels of productivity that can be accomplished with the simple act of smiling. (Read more)

A Mika Moose Xmas: Chapter 4 by Thanos K & Asa B
14 days to go: Mika's legs and hooves were aching from walking quickly across the snow. (Read more)

A Mika Moose Xmas (Greek): Chapter 4 by Thanos K & Asa B
14 days to go: (Read more)

The grapes of nuclear by Thanos Kalamidas
After reading that US Congress had voted in favor of allowing the export of civilian nuclear fuel and technology to India, I couldn't be anything other than angry and in total disbelief. (Read more)

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