Friday, December 15

Mika Moose, Sauna & Spanish football

A Mika Moose Xmas: Chapter 6 by Thanos K & Asa B
10 days to go: The cave was dark and the sound of their footsteps echoed around them. (Read more)

A Mika Moose Xmas (Greek): Chapter 6 by Thanos K & Asa B
10 days to go: (Read more)

Elogio Sociologico da Cultura das Saunas na Finlandia by Alexandra Pereira
A nudez torna os homens mais iguais entre si: (Read more in Portuguese)

No football in Spain by Thanos Kalamidas
Spain has one of the best leagues in the world, but how many of the players are Spanish? (Read more)

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