Wednesday, December 13

Mika Moose, the Bible Belt, Dutreil & ICC

A Mika Moose Xmas: Chapter 5 by Thanos K & Asa B
12 days to go: "Oh, stop it Matti, he's a dwarf!" Matti stopped tunnelling into the snow. (Read more)

A Mika Moose Xmas (Greek): Chapter 5 by Thanos K & Asa B
12 days to go: (Read more)

Rob Jenkinson's Letters from America #13 by Rob Jenkinson
As cool as Nashville is, you are undoubtedly in the south and being in the south means being in the famous Bible Belt. There are churches everywhere and most people are politically very right wing. (Read more)

Euro: Dutreil tacle Villepin, Breton et Sarkozy by Europe & Us
Vous ne connaissez sans doute pas Renaud Dutreil. (Read more)

A death blow to the ICC by Amin George Forji
Milosevic, Botha and now Pinochet have all escaped charges for crimes against humanity through death. The ICC is still to make any remarkable conviction of any leader guilty of these crimes. (Read more)

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