Saturday, November 11

Rehn, Mother Nature, Bond, Kyrgyzstan & fish

A Rehn-shaped banana skin by Thanos Kalamidas
As Finland nears the end of her term as president of the EU, they can be satisfied with their performance over the past six months. They did everything very quietly and effectively, but Mr. Olli Rehn almost ruined it all... (Read more)

2048 by Jan Sand
A large crowd had gathered in a small fishing village to witness this historic event, but Mother Nature had one last surprise up her sleeve... (Read more)

He's definitely Bond by Asa Butcher
The imminent release of the new James Bond film has elevated the arguments over the suitability of Daniel Craig to a new high, but I believe in him after watching his performance in Layer Cake… (Read more)

Kyrgyzstan nationwide protests by Amin George Forji
15,000 protesters gathered in Kyrgyzstan's capital and are refusing to move until the country's government resigns. Is the country heading towards a second revolution in 16 months? (Read more)

Show me the…fish! by Thanos Kalamidas
The recent news of the depletion of the oceans sounded like a sci-fi plot, but it appears fish may share the same fate as the dinosaurs. How long before we get a note from the doplhins: "So long, and thanks for all the fish!"? (Read more)

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