Thursday, November 23

Lebanon, Reality, Tsunami & Mindsets

The destiny of a family by Thanos Kalamidas
There is no end to this war and there is no end to the deaths of this family. It is like there is a connection between the destiny of Lebanon and the destiny of the Gemayel family... (Read more)

Reality - Not so obvious by Satya Prakash
Popular opinion, emotion or propaganda can lead us to interpret an incident too quickly, but, when reality surfaces later, it is different to what was initially perceived... (Read more)

Tsunami killed the dinos by Louie Parsons
4,800 years ago an asteroid, the kind that could kill a quarter of the world’s population, smashed into the Indian Ocean producing a tsunami at least 600 feet high. These catastrophic impacts could happen every 1,000 years... (Read more)

Mindsets by Jan Sand
There is a deeper psychological function of organizations devoted to faith mindsets and there is one psychological procedure that matches all these activities, it is called hypnotic induction... (Read more)

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