Friday, November 17

Duty, Sophie, heroes & Gods

Thirty-three years of duty! by Thanos Kalamidas
It is 33 years since the uprising at Athens Polytechnic. Today, Thanos stops to ask, "Where is the line that separates duty from obligation?" (Read more)

Staring into the magician's eyes by Asa Butcher
UNESCO's World Philosophy Day encourages the sharing of philosophical heritage and wants to open people's eyes to new ideas, so what better than a review of a book that makes philosophy "readable" for everybody… (Read more)

Heroes and non-heroes by Anna Oistros
It is thirty-three years since that evening the tank crashed through the Athens Polytechnic's gate. Some feel heroes, some guilt...(In Greek) (Read more)

Social monsters by Jan Sand
The old gods and their latest invocations have many attributes with many variations growing out of the culture that invoked them, but their one common characteristic is their immortality… (Read more)

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