Tuesday, October 31

Magic, Itälä, spooks & Halloween

A stand-up magician by Asa Butcher
October 31st 2006 marks the 80th anniversary of Harry Houdini's death, one of the world's greatest pioneers of magic and illusion. In honour of Houdini and National Magic Day in the USA, we chat with Malcolm the Magician… (Read more)

Mr. Itälä's EU expansion by Thanos Kalamidas
Finnish Euro-MP Ville Itälä made some interesting comments that have reflected the skepticism of the last few years in Europe. He said that the EU has been far too forgiving of would-be EU members who don’t live up to their commitments... (Read more)

Sprites, spirits, spooks and slime by Jan Sand
As a young kid, I was afraid of the dark. Not for what I thought might be there but for what might be there that was unthinkable. I was scared when I didn’t see anything... (Read more)

"Hallow the eve of winter" by Christopher Wilkinson
"The poetry of the earth is never dead." - John Keats (Read more)

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