Thursday, September 11

7 Years Since 9/11

It was 7 years ago that we watched live the apocalypse toppling over NYC. Of course, the images that struck and shocked one the most were the ones of anonymous bodies publicly jumping from a burning hell made of steel, concrete and horrifying flames into death, from the 80th, 90th or 105th floors of the Twin Towers.

But 2001 marked also the start of the Bush Jr. Era early that year, with the president's popularity among the American people rising incredibly short after the 9/11 events.

Of course, the "War Against Terrorism" that followed led to that place that we know so well where... hundreds of thousands more died and despotism reigns. Now the American elections are near, and hopefully (the whole world hopes that) there is a chance to rethink both priorities and methods.

9/11/2008, a day for... deep reflection!